Travel Carefree with Travel Insurance


Before you travel, take out travel insurance. This will cover you for material, immaterial, and personal injury damages that you may incur during your trip. Having travel insurance ensures that you can receive assistance from experts 24 hours a day, anywhere in the world. The key insured components of travel insurance are:

  • Baggage Coverage
  • Medical Expenses
  • Extraordinary Costs (SOS Costs), including:
    • Costs of an extended hotel stay due to unforeseen circumstances
    • Repatriation costs (returning to the Netherlands)
    • Funeral or cremation costs of an insured person abroad
    • Costs of search and rescue operations
    • Telecommunication expenses
    • Rental of replacement transportation

Travel insurance provides concrete assistance. Additionally, you are covered for costs if you need to return home, known as repatriation. Reasons for repatriation include:

  • Death of a close family member
  • Breaking a leg while skiing
  • Decease of the insured person

You can expand your travel insurance coverage to include

  • Trip cancellation
  • Accidents
  • Legal assistance during travel
  • Roadside assistance
  • Special sports coverage
  • Additional sports equipment, such as diving or golfing gear

Traveling frequently?

If you travel frequently, an annual travel insurance policy is often more economical. For a single person, the annual policy becomes cheaper with at least two vacations per year or a trip of 3 to 4 weeks. For a couple, the break-even point is typically around three weeks per year. For families with children, a continuous travel insurance policy is cost-effective after just two weeks of vacation per year.

Living abroad?

Are you Dutch and living abroad? We have special annual and short-term travel insurance policies for emigrants, expatriates, retirees, digital nomads, world travelers, etc. Whether for temporary or permanent residency abroad.

Single-trip or annual travel insurance?

Do you travel more than once a year? In that case, it may be convenient to choose an annual travel insurance policy. This covers you throughout the year, but the coverage only applies when you are actually traveling. The advantage is that you don’t have to take out travel insurance each time. For multiple trips per year, an annual travel insurance policy is almost always more cost-effective. In general, for a family with children, an annual policy becomes cheaper than a single-trip insurance after two weeks of vacation per year. For a couple, the break-even point is usually around three weeks per year, and for a single person, it’s typically 3 to 4 weeks.

Group Travel Insurance

For school trips, company outings, and other group trips, there is a special insurance: group travel insurance. Group travel insurance provides certainty for the organization and is cost-effective. Depending on the chosen coverage, you can get group travel insurance starting from €0.23 per person per day. Leaders and supervisors are also insured on group trips or school trips. Read more about group travel insurance or apply here.

Cancellation Insurance

Cancellation insurance provides compensation if a trip cannot proceed due to serious illness or death of close relatives. Pregnancy, involuntary unemployment, and divorce are usually covered under cancellation insurance. Some travel insurers offer a so-called guarantee cancellation. This means that in case of hospitalization during vacation or early return, you get the full travel cost refunded instead of a proportionate amount. More information about cancellation insurance?

Special Travel Insurances

A regular travel insurance is for standard vacations or trips. If you plan something special, stay away for an extended period, or work during your trip abroad, there are special travel insurances available for these situations.

Travel Insurance Provider

Via the website of, you can arrange travel insurance from Allianz Global Assistance 24 hours a day. You will receive the policy directly via email. Convenient, fast, and cost-effective!

Read more about travel insurance

We regularly publish informative articles on short-term travel insurance on our blog. You can also find them below:

  • How do I choose the right travel insurance?
  • European travel insurance
  • Why should I take out travel insurance?
  • Avoid financial setbacks with travel medical expenses during your vacation
  • Hospitalization abroad without sufficient insurance is a financial disaster
  • Illness or accident during vacation abroad and your travel insurance

Frequently Asked Questions about travel insurance (FAQ)

Read the most frequently asked questions and answers here.

Do you offer affordable travel insurance?

Absolutely. The short-term travel insurance is affordable and provides comprehensive coverage for S.O.S. costs, accidents, theft, baggage loss, and medical expenses. You can choose the coverage that suits you.

What does travel insurance cost?

You can get a short-term travel insurance with comprehensive baggage coverage for Europe starting from €1.50 per person per day. This can be extended with cancellation coverage. The total cost of travel insurance depends on the duration of the trip and any extensions. Children up to 5 years old are insured for free on the short-term travel insurance. You can make a non-binding premium calculation.

Is baggage covered under travel insurance?

Yes, your baggage is insured against loss, theft, and damage up to a maximum of €4,000. Valuables and travel documents are also covered.

What does the short-term travel insurance cover?

S.O.S. assistance, which covers necessary (return) travel and accommodation costs due to accident/illness/death of yourself or family. Loss or theft of or damage to your baggage. Additionally, you can extend the travel insurance, for example, for special sports/winter sports, roadside assistance, and medical expenses.

Can I include cancellation coverage in my insurance?

With cancellation coverage on short-term travel insurance, you are insured for cancellation costs if it turns out you unexpectedly cannot go on vacation or need to cut a vacation short. This can be because you are unable to travel yourself or because a family member is seriously ill or has died. You will even receive compensation for delays exceeding 8 hours in departure or arrival. If you are already on vacation and unexpectedly need to cut it short, you will receive compensation for the unused travel days.

Should I insure medical expenses?

We recommend it. Your health insurance only covers part of the medically necessary costs, up to the maximum rate applicable in the Netherlands. Medical costs exceeding the Dutch rate are covered by this travel insurance. Early termination and repatriation of a trip due to accident or illness are also not covered by your health insurance but are covered by this travel insurance. The same applies to rescue and search costs. With short-term travel insurance, you are always 100% covered for medical expenses, even if you end up in a private clinic.

Additionally, we remind you that the general terms and conditions and the product terms of the insurer determine reimbursements and any exclusions. Therefore, we recommend reading the insurance terms before taking out insurance. After purchasing insurance, always read the policy carefully to understand exactly what you are covered for and the insured amounts.

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